First impressions count:
successfully intercepting potential employees with mobile recruiting


Mobile Schulung von Normteilen im Academy Truck

Neue Strategie für Recruiting gefragt?! Besuchen Sie Ihre potentiellen Kandidat*innen vor Ort, sodass diese sich nicht auf den Weg machen müssen!

Bild: norelem Academy; 2022

Recruiting or talent acquisition continues to be a struggle in many industries due to the shortage of skilled workers. It is important to act early, recognize trends and derive fields of action. Talent acquisition will continue to be important in the future. The results of the study "The Future of Recruiting "* showed that the shortage of skilled workers and the war of talent will become even more acute. The study also confirms that an attractive candidate journey with transparency is crucial for applicants. It is therefore impossible to imagine recruiting companies without measures to increase attractiveness. 

There are countless ways in which you can attract potential employees along the candidate journey. Innovative methods are required and it is important to stand out from the start and assert yourself against potential competitors. The initial phases of attracting attention and arousing interest are therefore crucial to attracting qualified and talented employees. A negative first contact can lead to applicants losing interest and opting for the competition. A positive first contact, on the other hand, goes hand in hand with enthusiasm for the company and the need for long-term loyalty.

"We were at an industry event the last few days and exhibited the car and the simulator. The feedback was overwhelmingly good."

- DB Regio AG

To ensure that you are one of the first companies along an applicant's candidate journey, the motto is active sourcing: actively searching for, approaching and retaining qualified employees. Instead of waiting for candidates to approach you and apply, as a company you approach them and make contact. This allows you to connect with your prospective candidates right from the start. As applicants are increasingly withdrawing from the application process, it is advisable to create an experience in the first phases of the candidate journey. A personal dialog to exchange information is crucial in order to immediately attract attention during the attention phase and to maintain the interest of potential applicants in the long term. This enables interested parties to identify with the job profile and the company at an early stage and to develop a positive sense of community. But how can companies intercept potential candidates on the spot with a personalized professional world and win them over?

The focus is on the human factor and inspiring them individually. With an innovative mobility concept, such as Traderunner, you involve the target group right from the start and create identification with the job profile and the company. This walk-in, mobile brand space emotionalizes, informs and activates.


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