Do you have any questions?
We have the answers!
Which vehicles are suitable for conversion, which are recommended or preferred?
We offer towing heads from Mercedes or Fiat. Both automatic and manual transmissions are possible. Depending on your preference, we have already pre-ordered these or they still have to be ordered. Delivery times are to be expected accordingly.
In terms of the chassis, we use the AL-KO low-frame chassis for the Traderunner. It ensures a lower entry height and guarantees an ideal connection between the chassis and the towing head. hier.
However, it is also possible for customers to supply train heads and/or chassis themselves. This is examined in more detail together and the ideal overall combination is evaluated.
Experience has shown that it is advisable to have the Traderunner completely realized by us, i.e. towing head, chassis and cab.
Is it also possible to lease the Traderunner or get a used vehicle?
Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit des Leasings. Hier arbeiten wir mit SüdLeasing zusammen. Hier sind Operate-Leasing Laufzeiten ab 12 Monaten möglich. Wir beraten Sie gerne und stehen Ihnen auch die gesamte Leasingzeit über zur Seite.
Used vehicles or the purchase of an already rented Traderunner is possible. For example, other Traderunner customers want to sell theirs. We handle the process and customize it for you.
What are the limitations regarding the implementation of a Traderunner?
By and large, we design each Traderunner the way the customer imagines it. That's why each of our Traderunners is unique. Whether a detailed representation of products, such as with Schrack Technik or HellermannTytonor the installation of a simulator as a recruiting mobileDeutsche Bahnthrough to the installation of washbasins and stovesMaMÜMaMaalmost anything is possible.
Only widths and lengths are limited during conversion. The height should not exceed 3.5 m due to standard tunnel heights. The width is limited to a maximum of 2.45 cm so that everything is still visible in the mirror. The length of the cabin, measured at floor level, must not exceed 5m. You can also find more information on the page of our models: MODELLE
Is it possible to have a Traderunner produce over 3.5T?
It is also possible to have the Traderunner converted with a weight of over 3.5T. We have already produced Traderunners with a higher weight: SWR and ESWE. However, the chassis changes. The AL-KO low-frame chassis can carry a weight of up to 3.T. If an alternative chassis is used, the low frame is no longer available.
As a result, the access height increases significantly and the benefits of flexibility, maneuverability and comfort are limited. Further information on the chassis can be found here: MODELLE.
In addition, anyone with a class B driver's license can drive the Traderunner with a weight of 3.5T. If the weight increases, a different driving license category is required.
Are there any special features with regard to insurance or registration?
No. A "special vehicle Infomobil" insurance policy is required here. The explicit naming depends on the respective federal state, as there is no exact classification for this.
We take care of the registration. We produce the complete registration documents. There are two options here. Either we carry out an individual TÜV approval. Or there is a CoCo paper. The CoCo paper is required for each individual model. A model change also means a change to the type approval and the CoCo paper is therefore not valid. This means that an individual TÜV approval must be carried out. But you don't have to worry about this - that's what we're here for!
Will the exterior and interior conversion, as well as the wrapping etc. be carried out by Traderunner?
This is done according to the customer's wishes. We also implement everything for the customer. However, if the customer wants to do the wrapping or the interior work themselves, this is of course also possible. Only the exterior construction, the scaffolding, is produced by us.
We also carry out the TÜV inspection.
How long does it take on average from order placement to delivery?
Dies hängt besonders von er Lieferung des Zugkopfes & des Fahrgestelles ab. Grundsätzlich gehen wir von ca. 4 Monaten aus.
The Traderunner itself is built quickly, as we usually build around 5 to 8 vehicles in parallel. Certain assemblies in small quantities are pre-produced.
Which materials are used?
There are no restrictions here. We use the materials preferred by the customer. Of course, we also specify the use of materials and are happy to make recommendations.
For example, we paid attention CoffeeB to sustainable materials for the customer and did not use plastic.
What about the power supply for the Traderunner?
Jeder Traderunner hat einen Stromanschluss und kann folglich an jede normale Steckdose angeschlossen werden. Die Leistung einzelner Stromanschlüsse beträgt ca. 16 Ampere (1,3 Kilowatt). Zudem gibt es Speicherbatterien, sog. Lithium-Ionen Batterien. So kann der Showtruck ohne direkten Stromanschluss genutzt werden.
Der Einbau von Solarpanels ist realisierbar und kann über ein im Showtruck integriertes System genau kontrolliert und verteilt werden. Dieses System ermöglicht auch die gesamte Überwachung des Stroms – ob nun Solarpanels oder allgemeine Stromversorgung und lässt sich über eine App mit dem Handy verbinden. Kunden*innen können genau nachverfolgen, wie viel Strom noch zur Verfügung steht.
We install many different lighting groups in the vehicle, particularly with regard to the power supply. This allows only individual areas to be illuminated in order to save electricity.
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85221 Dachau