Demonstrate and explain products on site and let interested parties experience them for themselves
Photo: sungrow Europe, 2023
Germany wants to be climate-neutral by 2045 and companies are focusing on reducing their renewable energy requirements through efficiency measures and the creation of intelligent and networked systems. According to the IW Future Panel, 34% of the companies surveyed have factored in this target, but do not want to start until after 2030, as they believe they will only be able to fully adapt their climate targets after 2023.* It is nevertheless important to replace renewable energies consistently and as quickly as possible.
Solar energy companies are also aware of this relevance and are seizing the opportunity. As a result, the number of and demand for these companies is increasing and there is no shortage of price and competition. They want to create regional locational advantages at state and district level and win over companies and regions. As a result, it is very important for solar energy companies to visit different regions, show a local presence and provide information. Hybrid experiences and on-site interaction are needed to present the product and services in a clear and convincing manner and at the same time provide individual and personal information.
As a multifunctional vehicle concept, the Traderunner creates an innovative product presentation combined with the opportunity to make contact in real time. Companies such as Schletter, a manufacturer of photovoltaic mounting systems, and Sungrow, a solar energy company leading in the research and development of solar inverters, are already on tour with their Traderunner. Following the success of the last tours, Sungrow will be back on its Sungrow Power Tour in 2024 with stops in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Here, the products and various case studies on installation and commissioning will be presented, followed by networking.
“The Power Truck Tour not only provided the opportunity to get a detailed presentation of the products in the UK & Ireland, but more importantly underlined the brand's commitment to providing the best solutions in the renewable energy sector and maintaining a close relationship with its partners.”
- sungrow europe

Whether mobile as a trade fair stand, versatile as an event companion, flexible as an on-site presenter or informative as a mobile recruiter, the Traderunner creates an individual spatial experience that incorporates the personality and human factor. It combines the advantages of a 3.5T transporter (driving license class lll), manoeuvrability and a large radius of action. There is no Sunday driving ban, no additional driving personnel and no toll charges.
Do you also want to take off and get ahead of the market? Please feel free to contact us!
* IW study together with EPICO KlimaInnovation and the KlimaWirtschaft 2023 foundation to investigate the influence that the expansion of renewable energy can have on the choice of company location.
Brand staging of tomorrow!
85221 Dachau