Showtruck: A guide -
From design to successful use


Trailer für die S-Bahn Stuttgart auf Events

Traderunner show truck for S-Bahn Stuttgart

Image: Photography S-Bahn Stuttgart, 2024

Wondering how exactly this works with a show truck? In this guide, we explain the entire process - from the first steps of design and logistics to the successful implementation of your tours. Find out what you need to pay attention to as a company, which tasks you can take on yourself and where you should seek professional support.

Designing a show truck: the first steps

Planning a show truck starts with a clear vision. The show truck can fulfill various functions, such as a dialog mobile, a mobile showroom or a training mobile. The interior design is always individually tailored to your business objectives.

First phase: Concept development

After an initial briefing, a customized concept is created for your show truck. This starts with 2D sketches that give you an idea of the eventual design. During this phase, close coordination takes place to ensure that all details meet your requirements and ideas. Flexibility in the design is important here. For example, doors and flaps can be planned individually in order to optimally adapt the functionality to your intended use.

Individual pulling heads and weight classes

For the drive, we offer towing heads from Mercedes or Fiat, which can be equipped with both automatic and manual transmissions. A decisive factor is the weight of the show truck: we rely on a maximum total mass of 3.5 tons, which is ideal for many application scenarios. In exceptional cases, however, a higher weight can also be considered, depending on the specific requirements.

Flexibility in implementation

A major advantage of show truck design is the flexibility we offer you. We take care of the complete implementation of the vehicle, from the interior design to the interior and exterior trim. However, you also have the option of taking on parts of the implementation yourself, for example in collaboration with your own design or logistics team.

The average time from order to delivery is around four months. During this time, we take care of the complete assembly of the vehicle so that it ultimately meets your exact requirements.


How to master the entire process

Planning the tours: Who drives the show truck?

As soon as your show truck is ready for use, the question arises: How will it be used and who will do the driving? Three possible scenarios come into play here, depending on how much support you need.

  1. Gesamte Tour eigenständig planen und umsetzen: Sie und Ihr Team übernehmen die komplette Planung und Durchführung der Showtruck-Touren. Dies erfordert eine interne Logistikabteilung, die sich um die Routenplanung, Genehmigungen und die Fahrerkoordination kümmert.

  2. All-round service: You leave the entire planning and implementation to an agency. They take care of everything - from the detailed route planning to the execution of the tours. This is particularly practical if you have no internal resources for logistics or would like to concentrate on other company tasks.

  3. Kombinierte Stärke: Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ihrem Team und einer Agentur. Ihr Unternehmen übernimmt bestimmte Aufgaben wie die Logistikplanung, während die Agentur den Rest, wie die tatsächliche Durchführung der Touren, übernimmt. Diese Lösung bietet Flexibilität und erlaubt Ihnen, selbst aktiv zu bleiben, ohne alle Lasten allein zu tragen.

Important points for logistics

The logistics of a show truck go beyond just driving. When planning your tours, you need to consider a variety of aspects:

  • Route planning: The planned routes must be chosen carefully to ensure that the truck can get from one venue to the next without any problems.
  • Permits: Depending on the location and size of the show truck, special permits may be required to use public roads or event areas.
  • Timetables and events: Well thought-out coordination of arrival and departure times as well as set-up times on site are crucial to ensure a smooth operation.

“During our roadshows, it is our sales employees who drive from one location to the next within the country or region. For larger transfers between countries, we use an external truck driver who has always been very reliable so far.”

- Sungrow Europe

Conclusion: A show truck that moves your brand

A show truck offers your company the unique opportunity to bring your brand or services directly to your customers - whether at trade fairs, events or even at individual locations. With well thought-out planning and flexible implementation, you can ensure that your show truck meets your exact requirements and is used efficiently.

From the initial idea to the design, delivery and route planning - this guide gives you the basis for the successful use of a show truck. Whether you want to take full control or outsource some of the work, you have the flexibility to choose the route that best suits your business.

With a show truck that is individually designed for you, your brand becomes mobile and visible - exactly where your target group is.

“We generally leave this to the countries, but usually have an external service provider (such as an agency). The sales staff then travel to the event location themselves, independently of the truck. In exceptional cases, it can also happen that one of our sales staff drives.”

- James Hardie


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