Light shapes spaces -
Traderunner changes space through light


Mobile Unternehmenspräsentation Häfele

The importance of light in the Traderunner

Image: *"On a grand tour - strong increase in visitors and great interest in lighting topics: the Häfele Tour 2022" - Nagold, 20.11.2022; press release link

The impact of lighting effects and good lighting quality is often underestimated. However, light positions and colors are crucial for perception and well-being. Light and color can therefore make a significant contribution to creating a pleasant atmosphere in a showroom or product presentation. Ultimately, it all comes down to the right interplay of space, light and color.

Wir bei Traderunner kommen ursprünglich aus dem Messe- und Innenausbau. Raumbeleuchtung spielt eine enorm große Rolle bei der Produktpräsentation. Daher legen wir großen Wert auf Lichtdesign und die Lichtplanung. Eine hochwertige Inszenierung Ihrer Marke oder Ihrer Produkte steht und fällt mit der Ausleuchtung.

Lichtfarben schaffen unterschiedliche Milieus und gliedern den Raum. Hellere Bereiche mit gebündeltem Licht geben dem Raum Struktur und wirken lebendig. Im Traderunner befindet sich ein hellerer Farbton an der Decke, sodass sich der Raum öffnet und größer wirkt. Decken und Wände werden dadurch angehoben. Darüber hinaus ist ein Lichtsystem integriert, das das Licht überall dort hinbringt, wo es gebraucht wird. Die Beleuchtung wird zonenweise eingesetzt wird. Strahler können verschieden Ecken des Raums betonen.

Nevertheless, a room should not only be bright, but also atmospheric. Functional and friendly effects should complement each other to lend atmosphere to the interior design. Individual spotlights or groups of lights put objects, areas or furniture in the right light. These can be selectively illuminated and emphasized without the light source being perceived as disturbing in other areas of the room. An installed control system makes it possible to regulate the light as required. This also includes the use of dimmers. These make it possible to create the desired mood, adjust the intensity of the light as required and save energy at the same time.

"The success of the Häfele Tour 2022 is reflected in the figures: In terms of the number of customers who visited the tour, the company recorded an increase of almost 70 percent compared to the Häfele Discoveries Roadshow from the previous year."

- Häfele Press release*

With the help of practical LED strips, e.g. on sideboards, furniture, ceilings, etc., the Traderunner ensures particularly high quality of light and uniform light distribution. The result is that our lighting structures create very special highlights both individually and in groups.

Each of our Traderunners features a completely thought-out lighting design that stands out thanks to precise planning and our experience.

The Traderunner for our customer Häfele, which focuses on light in furniture and rooms, deserves a special mention here. The company was on tour in 2022 and interest in lighting topics was above average. It was reported: "Mobile world of experience at locations throughout Germany.... The aim was to meet the desire of many interested parties for real experiences. The comprehensive Häfele product range with its 360° approach could finally be experienced one-to-one again for many.... Thanks to a clever format, this was a complete success."*

"On a grand tour - strong increase in visitors and great interest in lighting topics: the Häfele Tour 2022" - Nagold, 20.11.2022; press release


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